• Salon Ambience Group's Commitment to the Environment - Commitment to the Environment - Company

Salon Ambience Group's Commitment to the Environment

Sustainable future starts with us!
At Salon Ambience Group, every choice we make today is a stepping stone towards a more sustainable future. Our company is committed to limiting our environmental impact and promoting a responsible growth style, integrating sustainability as a fundamental element of our identity. We know that every small action, every daily decision, can make a difference; for this reason, we aim to transform our commitment into concrete actions, also inspiring our partners and customers to join this journey.
What are we committed to?
Use of certified and sustainable materials
Salon Ambience Group uses certified materials and wood from sustainable Swedish plantations. The company considers wood a responsibility to preserve ecosystems and produce in harmony with nature.
Advanced energy efficiency
We use energy-efficient LED lights with motion sensors and turn off unused devices to minimize waste, combining sustainability and efficiency.
Recycling and recovery of materials 
We recycle the materials used, giving new life to resources and reducing waste. Wood waste is reused to power eco-friendly heating systems, reducing the use of fossil fuels.
Sustainability in transport and conscious mobility 
Our vehicles are maintained for efficiency to reduce emissions and optimize fuel consumption, while drivers are trained to drive responsibly.
Reduction of packaging and reuse of materials  
We collaborate with suppliers to reduce packaging and reuse sample furniture, optimizing material usage.